A bit more about me...
My passion has always been there (funnily enough) and stemmed from the pure joy I feel when I move - be it dancing, gymnastics or any sport I could take part in. I auditioned to dance with the county as a teenager and toured with them for 3 years while in school; Contemporary dance and Ballet gave me a grounding at a vital age when my ever-increasing ‘Vata’ (air) personality emerged even more.
My teachers described me as ‘scatty’ but ‘full of positive energy’ and movement became my channel for teaching myself to reign in my energy and apply it to my education, this was the case right through until I got my degree in Event Management in 2007. I chose the Events industry as it meant I could be right at the epicentre of everything happening, surrounded by people and action, and amid the pace of events unfolding. This absolutely was the case, but with it came many demands - fast moving, ever-changing, totally consuming, and constantly ‘on’. I delivered events around the world, in every continent, in multiple sectors, slept very little, never switched off...and got run down A LOT. In 2012 I was appointed as the lead on behalf of the Mayor of London to delivery the London2012 Olympic and Paralympic ‘Live Sites’ - attended by 1.4 million people across a month - the high-point of my career without a doubt. Making the Games accessible to everyone and anyone no matter how much money they had in this life. I then became the Mayoral lead for the London’s New Year’s Eve Fireworks, with an international audience of 500,000 and received global recognition as the most watched television show in 2013.
It was intense….and was without doubt not sustainable...
I found (and I don’t use this word lightly, as it was pivotal for me) yoga in 2000, and would eagerly await my weekly class to come away from the pressure and intensity, gratefully letting it ‘re-charge’ my body, as if I was all I needed to be able to keep going with the pace of work (and the subsequent pace of life). I soon realised that I was increasingly intrigued by the world of yoga, meditation and self-love. How could it be that only positive things were emerging from these wonderful practices?...surely it was worth learning more…. I began to practice frequently, delving into Bikram, Power, Yin, Ashtanga, then into meditation, then into reading self-care books by the likes of Brené Brown and Ariana Huffington…. I could never go back, this world was too enlightening, too positive, too helpful, too enriching. I didn’t ever want to go back to the feeling of being overwhelmed, of feeling trapped by work and pressure, of feeling the need to constantly be ‘on’ in order to succeed. I was so happy that there was another way...
Now, as a 200 hour Yoga Alliance certified teacher and RYPT prenatal and postnatal teacher, and Dance Teacher (AAFA & ACE) and having left London, lived abroad and now living back at home in Winchester, I feel like the person I knew I always could have been. Happy with the smallest things, smiling every day from the sheer joy that I ‘get’ to have each day, and get to live my passion. My daughters watch me on my mat most days and can now do a great Malasana Squat, a perfect Happy Baby (no wonder), and love a five-pointed star on occasion. Life is well and truly about relishing and being grateful for what I have, and enjoying having the opportunity to guide others into this wonderful world. A world of:
Improved Health
Improved Sleep
Flexibility & Mobility
Improved Emotional Health
Mental Clarity
Improved Circulation